For some reason, these loaded out of order-but here are some pics from last week! Murphy is really getting steady on his feet and enjoying the cool fall weather!
Working a puzzle after story time at the Library with a new friend!
Murphy is working on his table manners. He decided that he would no longer sit in his highchair(refusing food, unheard of for him, screaming, throwing food, etc!) so we decided to let him use the travel booster permanently. It is going really well. He is experimenting with utensils and using his plate!
Here is Murphy at dinner eating like a big boy across from Daddy!
"Helping" me pull chicken for stir fry! He kept reaching into the bag and pulling it off the bird! He is like a little scavenger!
He has also discovered the cabinet where we keep his food and plates/bowls. He finds the puffs and helps himself!:)
Looking at his number book with Daddy! He knows two numbers- 2 and 9. We have no idea why these, but he recognizes them all of the time! He even said 9 when he saw one at Costco with LinLin!
I ordered some more "B"s just in case. Here he is testing out the new ones...
Loving the swing!
cute pics--what a big boy sitting at the table!
and what are B's and why so many of them?
Luke also reached a point where if we tried to put him in the highchair he wouldnt that is funny Murphy did the same thing. They have minds of their own don't they? He looks like he is walking pretty good. Great pics!
What a big boy!!! They are not supposed to grow up so fast!
His "B" is the equivalent of my lovie! It is a soft little bear that he has attached himself to over the last couple of months. He started saying "B" over and over when holding it, so it just stuck! I got a few more in case he lost it, but so far, he totally knows which one is the real "B"!
He's into everything! ;) Bet it keeps you on your toes! looking cute as ever!!!
Such a busy little guy! Isn't if funny how they decide things suddenly like not longer eating in the high chair. Asserting their independence, I guess...
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