Thursday, July 31, 2008

11 months, 11 things...

Murphy is 11 months old today! Time flies when you are having so much fun! Here are 11 things about Murphy... (and some pics, too!:)

1. Murphy LOVES food! He is eating all kinds of things now! It does help that he has 11 teeth, including 3 molars! The 4th one is about to break through any day now! Here he is eating a pancake. Some other of his favorites are avocado, cheese, fish, zucchini, mandarin oranges, and bananas! 2. Murphy loves to be silly! He likes to pop his head up out of nowhere!
3. He is always "busy". I put this hat on him without him noticing and it took him 20 minutes to realize it was there! He inspects each toy in his toy bag very carefully...
4. He likes to do what his doggie, Miller, does! He crawls around with toys hanging out of his mouth and he loves to get up in his chair and look out the window! It's cute now, but if he starts barking at the UPS man, we may have to limit their interaction! haha! (Oops! Forgot to rotate the pic!:)
5. He has learned to climb up on the hearth, (this terrifies us!) and loves to look at and kiss himself in the reflection of the glass doors!
6. He loves to play basketball! (just like Big Will- let's just pray he grows as tall...)
7. Murphy could read for hours! He pulls all of the books out of the basket, then chooses one for us to read. Lately we have been reading "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?" over and over again! "Daddy Hugs" is also a favorite!
8. Murphy loves to go to the pool and watch all of the big kids play! He would love to take off after them if I would let him...:)
9. Murphy only enjoys his stroller when it's moving quickly! Imagine that!
10. Murphy does NOT enjoy having his diaper changed! Sometimes I feel like I have just lost a WWF match after it's done! He is getting a little better if he has a book to look at!
11. Murphy loves spending time with his mommy and daddy and his LinLin, and DeeDee and Dibs! He gets to hang out with them a lot! He loves the time he spends with his Uncle Wes and Sabi, Uncle Graydon, Aunt Abby and Allie Harris, and Big Will because he does not get to see them as often!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Here is a short video of Murphy just being Murphy!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Gatlinburg Aquarium

Today we decided to drive up to Gatlinburg's Aquarium of the Smokies because it was overcast. Murphy had a blast! He loves fish and people watching! Here are a few pics!

Looking at the shells in the kiddie area Looking at the big fish
The big tank up front
Ooh... Sharks!
Eating grilled cheese like a big boy!
They have a huge tank with sharks and a moving walkway. Murph was mezmerized by the sharks swimming above him!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Stop #4- Kiawah Island

Here are the pictures from the last leg of our trip, Kiawah! We always love getting to stay at DeeDee and Dibs' beach house there. It is always a nice relaxing time for us all! Murphy loves reading his "Pat the Bunny" book. He could play "peek-a-boo" with Paul forever! All of our copies are getting worn out!
Hanging out in the baby pool at the Beach Club with Daddy...
And with DeeDee!
Crawling on the wide-open beach! (I thought the tracks behind him were funny!)
Hosing the sand off- one of his favorite things to do!
Snack time! Avocados are yummy!:)
We went out to the Ocean Course to eat two nights in a row because Murphy LOVED the putting green beside the Ocean Room restaurant! He crawled all over it and made some new friends!
We may have a future in golf!
He kept pulling the flag in and out of the hole!

His new friend, Megan, from New York! She reminds me of myself at that age with her doll dressed like her!
Action shot! Pure joy on his face here!:)
Rocking on the front porch with Mommy- and making bubble sounds! Can you see his little black eye? He tripped on his swimsuit tie while pulling up on the door and banged his little eye! I'm sure this will be just the first of many!:)
Happy guy in his very own chair!

Here he is all pooped out after we got back to Knoxville! He was a great traveller!

Here is a little video of Murphy trying to join in with the big boys!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Stop #3- Pawley's Island (Part 2)

Sorry for the delay in posting part 2! Our computer cord had so much fun at the beach that it decided to stay!(as my friend Emily put it) We are finally home and bought a new cord, so here are some more pics! I will post the last leg of our trip, Kiawah Island soon!
Murphy and Daddy reading the Ducky book on the hammock! Murph loungin'...
Climbing on the Bocce box...

Wes and Sabi enjoying the beach- they were both in from Seattle and are now visiting her family in Paris, France! Congrats to both of them- they just finished their Pediatric Residencies!
Climbing on the cooler- yes, there is a pattern here, Murph loves to climb and explore!
"Helping "Mommy with her suitcase and playing with the nasty old fan- much to Mommy's dismay!
Murphy loves his buddy, Joe! I have a feeling he will be tagging along behind Joe with his fishing pole next year!:)
Murphy and Allie Harris having fun in the sand!
Acting crazy in the baby pool- He figured out how to stick his head through the canopy, but I couldn't ever snap a pic quick enough!

Playing in the baby pool on the deck before dinner- sans water!
"Peek-A-Boo, DeeDee!"
On the move-( he had just escaped from the pool)
This was a great deck pool with lots of fun things attached- both little munchkins seemed to enjoy it! The best part- $9.99 at Walgreen's!
"Bye, Bye Pawley's! See you next year!"

Murph and Mommy in Charleston for lunch on the way to Kiawah Island!

We had a lot of fun hanging out with our family and the Bruner's at Pawley's! Everyone was able to come this year, so it was extra special! We can't wait until next year- there will also be a new Bruner, Wendy and Justin's baby girl due in December!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Stop #3- Pawley's Island! (Part 1)

We kicked off our annual Pawley's Island Diddle-Bruner Vacation on Friday night July 4th at Collin and Austin's in Charleston with a cookout! It was so much fun! Here are Murphy and Allie Harris playing in a basket! Joe, Uncle Wes, Wendy, Sabi, Walker, and Murph hanging out!
Our first Pawley's Tradition is to meet for lunch on Saturday before checking in at the Litchfield Beach Fish House. Murph had fun playing on the big swing outside and tasting fish for the first time. Yumyum!:)
The Bruner Boys, Collin and Justin, and their wives, Austin and Wendy! We always enjoy hanging out with them. We get to see Austin and Collin a good bit when we visit Charleston, and really enjoyed our time with Wendy and Justin! They came out from LA!
Saturday night grilled shrimp dinner! We ate so well every night! The highlight of Pawley's for me is always dinner-especially Joe and Helen's gumbo!
Watch out, here comes a big wave!
Both babies really enjoyed the beach! Murph particularly liked eating the sand...This was no suprise to us! He will eat anything!:)

Daddy and Murph, or "Pete and Repete", as DeeDee called them, in matching trunks!
Having fun on the beach...
" Look, we have this pool just for us!!"
" Oh, wait, there's a truck in my mouth!" I guess he was too busy to put it down! :)
"I love this necklace, DeeDee! It's so yummy!"

Little Piggy!

Little Piggy on the loose!

Sabi perfecting her Bocce form- it looks very professional!

Our Redneck Wine Tasting night- This new tradition began this year and it was a hit! Notice the brown bags and duct tape...

Wes and Walker at Frank's on Wednesday night!